About Tartan Tikka

Welcome to Tartan Tikka, where convenience meets culinary delight! Our online food ordering website is the ultimate destination for anyone craving freshly made Indian & fast food in Cumbernauld. With exclusive deals and discounts, ordering from Tartan Tikka is not only satisfying but also budget-friendly.

We are committed to using the finest local ingredients in crafting our mouthwatering meals. From tasty curries and flavourful kebabs to mouthwatering pizzas and other delicious dishes, our MENU is designed to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Each item is prepared with care to ensure exceptional quality and freshness with every bite.

Ordering from Tartan Tikka is a seamless experience. Simply browse through our diverse MENU variety, select your favourite items, and enjoy the convenience of having your order delivered straight to your doorstep. Our goal is to provide a hassle-free dining experience that leaves you fully satisfied.

Exciting news! Tartan Tikka has partnered with MEALZO, a reputable online food ordering portal. By ordering through the MEALZO website, you can enjoy an extra £3 off on your online orders, adding more value to your dining experience with us.

For those who prefer the personal touch, feel free to place your order over the phone by calling us at 01236 734454. Our friendly team is always ready to assist you and ensure that your order is tailored to your preferences.

Thank you for choosing Tartan Tikka for your dining needs. Order now, immerse yourself in our delicious offerings, and savour a delightful meal experience that will keep you coming back for more.


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